Friday, May 27, 2011

Holiday Thermostat Schedules

Programmable Thermostats give you the ability to set daily schedules tailored to your lifestyle. They provide maximum convenience and can result in big savings whether installed in a home or place of business. In a typical residence, you can set a programmable thermostat to adjust room temperatures based on the time of day and day of the week. Generally, programmable thermostats have 4 daily periods in which different settings can be made. This lets you program desired temperatures based on your family's work and sleep schedules. Programmable thermostats guarantee that you will save energy when no one is home and feel comfort immediately upon returning home.

Programmable thermostats work on several weekly schedules. 7-day models can only accommodate the same schedule for every day of the week. 5-2 units accept one schedule for weekdays and another one for weekends, while 5-1-1 programmable thermostats allow Saturday's schedule to differ from Sunday's. On days that you must deviate from your normal routine, you can simply turn off the programming schedule and control the thermostat manually. Many programmable thermostats give users the ability to store temporary holiday schedules - perfect for long weekends. stocks programmable thermostats from Honeywell, White-Rodgers, Robertshaw, and Lux.