Friday, May 06, 2011

Increase Efficiency with an OVD

With a Field Controls Oil Vent Damper (OVD), you can improve the efficiency of your heating system. The dampers, available in 4” – 8” sizes, can give you huge savings on your heating bill. Installed in vent piping between the draft control and chimney, the OVD opens automatically when your boiler runs. With two safety switches to ensure proper operation, the OVD remains open for 3 minutes after a call for heat ends. This allows all combustion gases to vent before the damper closes to prevent drafts and reduce heat loss. You can be sure that less heat will escape through vents and more will end up in the living space where it belongs.

Since it stops residual heat in the burner chamber from escaping through the chimney, the OVD can yield a 5% to 10% savings in energy costs, and up to a 2% gain in AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency). A seven-foot wiring harness is included. Oil Vent Dampers cannot be used with direct vent systems, sealed combustion systems, or vaporizing type burners.